
Project Updates

(September 1, 2022)

CDA Lake Drive Roadway Configuration Changes:

You may have noticed some changes to the pavement markings on Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive and may be a bit confused about the reason for the new configuration. A master plan for Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive was developed with public input. The new striping and pavement markings reflect the master plan and delineate the Centennial Trail and bike lanes with a goal of improved safety for all users.  If you are interested in the history of the project, an overview of the changes, and answers to some questions we have seen in the Letters to the Editor, visit https://www.cdaid.org/east-sherman-master-plan.

East Sherman Pilot Project Concluding:

The “Activate East Sherman” Pilot Project on the 1600 block of East Sherman will be concluding after the Labor Day weekend.  On September 7th, volunteers will be removing the parklet seating structure in front of Moon Time and moving planters out of the street.  The City’s Streets and Engineering crew will be moving through the area starting on September 12th, weather permitting, to remove the white reflective bollards and revert the parking spaces and roadway centerline back to the original configuration.  The City-owned pocket park on this block will remain, along with the benches and planters on the sidewalk that were donated for the Pilot Project.  For more information, visit https://www.cdaid.org/east-sherman-master-plan.

The City and our partners at CDA 2030 are interested in supporting the businesses and property owners with positive transformation of the East Sherman area and further evaluating roadway designs and enhancements but that will require removal of the Pilot Project street diversion and parklet seating structure.  We would like to get input from business and property owners within the East Sherman corridor on some of the other street design alternatives that were included in the draft East Sherman Revitalization Plan.  The plan is to reconvene the East Sherman Leadership Committee and bring on new members to vet some of these ideas and discuss other desired changes to the corridor.  Stay tuned for more information about East Sherman in the coming months.  To review the DRAFT East Sherman Revitalization Plan from December 2019 (not yet adopted by the City Council), click here.

(December 20, 2019)

Based on community input and feedback from the East Sherman Leadership Committee, the planning document for East Sherman has been updated thanks to the help of Community Builders’ subconsultant, Cheney Bostic of Studio Seed!

To see the latest and greatest “DRAFT” East Sherman District Revitalization Plan (it hasn’t been adopted or formally accepted by City Council yet), you can access it online at this link: East Sherman District Revitalization Plan. [DISCLAIMER: It has not been presented to, accepted or adopted by the City Council yet, and thus is subject to change!]

One of the changes you may notice is that the title has been updated to East Sherman District Revitalization Plan so that it wouldn’t be confused with master planning documents that are commonly part of urban renewal evaluations and because it doesn’t include detailed design or engineering drawings.

The goal is to schedule meetings/study sessions with the Leadership Committee, Planning Commission and City Council in early 2020 to review the revitalization plan and begin moving forward with implementation.

Welcome Feature Image

Welcome to the website for the East Sherman revitalization project!

This is a community-driven planning effort aimed at:

(1) Creating a shared community vision for East Sherman Avenue to guide long-term decision making.

(2) Creating an action-oriented master plan for the physical and economic development of East Sherman Avenue.

This project is being done in partnership among the City of Coeur d’Alene, CDA 2030 and Community Builders. For more information about this effort please visit the Project page.

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