How did we get here?

Past Events

In 2013, input collected from over 3,000 community members through the CDA 2030 visioning effort indicated a strong desire to revitalize the East Sherman corridor. City staff and CDA 2030 have been working together to initiate the East Sherman corridor master planning efforts since May 2015. Starting in June 2015, more than 300 community members have participated in town hall meetings, 270 community members completed electronic surveys, and 34 stakeholders were interviewed by city staff and CDA 2030 in 2016. An Active Transportation Safety Audit (“Walking Audit”) in 2015 provided recommendations for improving safety along the corridor, including installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons and additional crosswalks.  More than 2,000 residents, businesses, schools, and community partners have also participated in the three PARK(ing) It On Sherman events, which started in 2015. These efforts activated East Sherman and showcased a potential maker’s district, live mural painting, crowdfunding for a rectangular rapid flashing beacon, stormwater demonstration, bike safety, and included pop-up town hall meetings with opportunities for participants to provide input on the East Sherman Master Plan.

In August 2017, the City of Coeur d’Alene was awarded a grant for technical assistance from Community Builders to complete the East Sherman Master Plan. The assistance, which is valued at close to $90,000 including the City’s match, was coauthored by CDA 2030 and the City’s Planning Department. The master plan is on track to be completed in 2018 with assistance from Community Builders and their sub-consultants, Cascadia Partners, Studio Seed and Leggitt Studio LLC.